Stuart Hough, Sunnyside Trading Co.

Do you remember what it’s like to play with finger paints? Perhaps your particular memories involved playing in the mud, as did many a kid who spent significant time outdoors. Regardless, there’s something magical about that activity – being able to absolutely lose yourself in play. For those moments, the only world that existed was you and your paint.

This is essentially the definition of the verb “to play:” engaging in an activity “for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.” Our sole purpose is pleasure. And, as an outcome, we experience joy.

Why, then, as adults do we shy away from play?

As adults, play becomes something that we get to after we do everything else, if we get to it at all. Play has become something that we feel like we have to earn. Because putting ourselves first – playing first – would be considered selfish; or worse, unproductive.

But play is good for us! Multiple studies that have shown the positive impact of play on our physical and mental health. Engaging in play releases the “feel good” chemicals called endorphins, which help our brains (by improving our memory), boosts our creativity, and makes us happier. When we get stressed, play helps us to cope. It can even help our sense of humor (yes, it’s true!) and strengthen our relationships with others. Whereas play for kids is critical for their physical, social, cognitive, and emotional development, adult play becomes a healing and restorative exercise that is good for our souls.

Play happens in nearly infinite ways. It can involve physical exercise, but it doesn’t have to – it’s about how you think about the activity. Put that way, play can involve building collections like cars or stamps (or even antique furniture!); creating; tinkering; writing; singing; and hosting, to name only a few.

Adventure is one of the ways I play. I love to explore. Discovering new (to me) places, people and things. I guess you could say getting lost helps me to “get lost.” I am looking forward to once again being able to travel to India and Morocco later this year. In addition to seeing some of our beloved trade partners, with an eye toward curating our next selections, I am also, finally, carving out time just for play.

So I’d like to invite you to join me in a play activity (or two) during the next few weeks. If you don’t yet have a play practice, please identify something to try out. It can be helpful to ask yourself, “What brings me joy?” Then, once you’ve figured out your play activity of choice, try carving out just one hour during the entire week for it. During that lone, precious hour let that activity be all that you do. And then let me know how it goes! I’ll be out there soon in my playground(s) –  smacking some golf balls with my buddy, Tim, and hiking the beautiful trails here in Western North Carolina.

To keep up with my adventures, you can follow our Facebook and Instagram accounts (linked at the bottom of this post). I look forward to seeing you in our neck of the woods soon!

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